The correct cardinality estimation for table variable using trace flag 2453

Hi Friends,

My today’s blog post is focused on the correct cardinality estimation for table variable using trace flag 2453. In one of my previous blog post, we have seen the use of OPTION (RECOMPILE) query hint for correct cardinality estimation in case of table variable. Now the question is, Is there any way to make the correct estimation of table variables without touching the TSQL code?

The answer of the above question is: yes, the optimizer can make a correct cardinality estimation for table variables without changing the TSQL code. We have to use trace flag 2453 for that. Using this trace flag is almost similar to option recompile and even sometime it performs better. Let me show you the impact of this trace flag practically. Here in my code, I am enabling the trace flag for my session only. If you want to enable it for all the session every time (even after the service restarts) then you can add it to the service startup parameters. For more information about that, you can click here.

/* This TF was introduced in  SQL Server 2012 SP2 and SQL Server 2014 CU3*/

 USE [AdventureWorks2016]


Declare @TV_SalesOrderDetail Table
	[SalesOrderID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[SalesOrderDetailID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[CarrierTrackingNumber] [nvarchar](25) NULL,
	[OrderQty] [smallint] NOT NULL,
	[ProductID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[SpecialOfferID] [int] NOT NULL,
	[UnitPrice] [money] NOT NULL,
	[UnitPriceDiscount] [money] NOT NULL,
	[LineTotal]  [money],
	[rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL,
	[ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL

INSERT INTO @TV_SalesOrderDetail
SELECT [SalesOrderID]
  FROM [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail]

Select SOD.UnitPrice,
SOH.DueDate, SOH.OrderDate
from @TV_SalesOrderDetail SOD
join [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] SOH
on sod.SalesOrderID=SOH.SalesOrderID
Where SOH.OrderDate between '2011-07-01' AND '2011-07-31'


Trace Flag 2543

In the above image you can see that both estimated and actual number of rows are same.



Prince Kumar Rastogi

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About Prince Rastogi

Prince Rastogi is working as Database Administrator at Elephant Insurance, Richmond. He is having more than 8 years of experience and worked in ERP Domain, Wealth Management Domain. Currently he is working in Insurance domain. In the starting of his career he was working on SQL Server, Internet Information Server and Visual Source Safe. He is post graduate in Computer Science. Prince is ITIL certified professional. Prince likes to explore technical things for Database World and Writing Blogs. He is Technical Editor and Blogger at He is a regular speaker at DataPlatformDay events in Delhi NCR. He has also presented some in depth sessions about SQL Server in SQL Server Conferences in Bangalore.

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